
Is the thought of creating your first website freaking you out?

Getting your website up and running doesn’t need cause you anxiety or break your bank account.

You deal with enough difficult issues in your business, right?

A website shouldn’t be one of those issues.

In today’s video I give you 5 simple steps to creating your first website for your business.

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5 Steps for Creating Your First Website

1. Choose and buy your domain name.

What’s in a name?

A lot actually.

For current business owners this usually isn’t a difficult process.

It does however have to be thought out carefully.

First thing to consider is how easy the domain name is to direct people to.

If there is a really difficult spelling or if the name is extremely long it may be difficult for people to remember.

Also, avoid the “mashups”  Unbeweavable (hair salon?) and Qualitronics or creative spelling like Naymz, Speesees and Takkle.

Try saying any of these names to Siri. Yikes!

Second thing to consider is the domain extension.

It’s becoming a bit more popular to use clever extensions like .money and .food.

However, this also makes it more difficult for people to remember and find.

The old .com is still the best way to go if at all possible.

2. Find a hosting company.

Choosing a bad hosting company can make life miserable.

Having a great website only helps your business if it is up and running.

Your hosting company should guarantee over 99% uptime.

Things happen, but you need a company responds quickly and provides great customer service.

A couple of my favorites…

Lunarpages (used by StarkNakedMarketing.com and all of our clients).



3. Install WordPress.

WordPress is the most widely used content management systems in the world.

This is a platform that allows you to easily customize your website and add content.

It’s extremely user friendly and with a tutorial or two you can manage your own basic website very easily.

4. Choose a theme.

A WordPress theme allows users to easily change the overall layout, look and functionality of their website.

There are thousands of both free and premium themes to choose from.

You can find themes that are designed specifically for nearly any type of business.

Themes for Blogs/Magazines, Education, Real Estate, Retail, Technology and Nonprofits are just a few of the categories to choose from.

Whatever look and feel you are looking for, you can find it or customize it in a theme.

5. Create content.

This is the tough part for most people.

Coming up with content can be a roadblock for just about any company.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Think about the needs of your target market.

What problems are they facing?

Write about topics that are important in your industry or niche.

Above all else, provide value.

Do not make you blog a sales pitch.

Value, value, value.

The sales will come if you create raving fans of your blog.


Other things to consider when creating your first website:

Backup your WordPress website.

There’s nothing worse than creating content for 2 years and then losing in all when your site gets hacked or a server fails.

ALWAYS have a way to backup your WordPress site.

You can use a plugin like BackUpWordPress and set it to back up every week.

For added piece of mind copy that backup once a month to your local computer in case your hosting company has a server failure.

This is very rare but a once a month task that saves your website will be worth it if there is a major issue.

Get an email autoresponder.

The money is in the list.

The goal of your blog should not be to make sales.

It should be to grow your community and your email list.

People transact with emails.

Your email list will give you a willing and interested audience for your products and services.

Give value 9 times and present an offer once.

If you are a pushy salesman than your blog will be worthless.

Create value and you sill succeed.

Connect your social media channels to your website.

Social media is the most effective and most economical way to market your business.

While your website is the hub of your business, social media is how you drive traffic to that hub.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are where you should start your focus for most businesses.

Depending on you niche, Pinterest or Snapchat can also be very powerful marketing channels.

I hope you found value with today’s post.

If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark
Call Any Time: 262-378-3192
Skype: sbstark
Add me on Snapchat! Username: stvstark

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