
Don’t be afraid of Retargeting Pixels.

Installing a pixel and creating a retargeting campaign is not difficult and you definitely want to take advantage of this marketing method.

In today’s video I will explain what retargeting is and how easily you can set it up on your blog or sales funnel.

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greenpixelWhat is retargeting?

Have you ever visited an online store and researched an item and it then seems like you see that item on every other website you visit.

This is retargeting.

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is an online marketing method that allows you to keep your brand or products in front of website visitors after they leave your website.

Most website convert less than 2% of the traffic to their site.

Retargeting is designed to help reach those that “got away” without making a purchase on your site.

greenpixelWhat is a retargeting pixel?

A retargeting pixel is a small piece of code that you add to a webpage.

This code allows you to “follow” your audience all over the internet.

When a visitor comes to your site the code drops an anonymous browser cookie.

Retargeting allows you to serve ads in front of those cookied visitors as they surf the web.

The code is unnoticeable to your visitors and won’t adversely effect your website.

This marketing method allows you to place your product, service or brand back in front of those who don’t buy when they visit your site.

greenpixelRetargeting Pixels & Facebook

So far Facebook retargeting pixels seem to be the most effective.

However, Twitter has gotten into the mix and other social media platforms can’t be far behind.

Creating custom audiences on Facebook is a super powerful marketing tactic that seasoned online marketers are taking advantage in a big way.

If you have a blog or capture pages for your business then consider adding a retargeting pixel from Facebook and Twitter.

It’s simple to add and you can build custom audiences that will allow you to laser target your advertising online.

For detailed training on marketing retargeting, setting up your websites and building creative retargeting ads, check out this in-depth course: Social Retargeting Pro

I hope you found value learning How To Use Retargeting Pixels. If you did please like, comment and share.

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To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Call Any Time: 262-378-3192

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