
So you want to know how to start a mailing list?

Your email list is the most important marketing asset for your business.

An email list consists of fans that want what you have.

They are primed to buy your products.

There are 3 things you need to build a list and get start with email marketing.

In today’s video I’m going to tell you how to start a mailing list with these 3 steps.

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How to Start a Mailing List in 3 Steps

1. Choose an Autoresponder.

An autoresponder is a must have if you want to start email marketing.

Autoresponders give you a way to collect emails with web forms.

It allows you to send broadcast messages to your list and create campaigns for subscribers and for  promotions.

The two autoresponders that I recommend are Aweber and MailChimp.

Both of these email marketing platforms are affordable and great for beginners.

2. Create a Give-Away.

Other than your mom who reads your every blog post (Hi Mom!), visitors need a reason to give you their name and email address.

You need to offer value.

This could be in the form of an ebook, guide, cheat sheet, etc.

It needs to be something that will immediately go to their inbox or something they can access right away.

The trick is to make it something they just can’t do without.

Think about the knowledge you have in your niche and how it may be useful to others.

Be sure to put together a quality give-away and make it look professional.

3. Drive Traffic.

Once you have the autoresponder set up a give-away in place, you need traffic.

Social media is a great way to drive traffic to your site or a separate capture form.

The reach in social media platforms isn’t what it used to be.

You may need to do some advertising, especially in Facebook.

To learn more about Facebook Ads check out the course Facebook Advertising Mastery.

Once you start to build your email list, the next step is to nurture it.

What kind of emails do you send?

How often do you send them?

When do you provide value vs. make an offer?

These are important questions if you want to make your list profitable.

The course Twist Your List from Diane Hochman dives deep into these questions and a whole lot more.

I hope you found some value learning how to start a mailing list.

If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark

Call Any Time: 262-378-3192

Skype: sbstark

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