
So you want to know how to get more email subscribers?

There are a ton of great ways to build your mailing list.

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach customers and make sales.

In today’s video I give you 3 simple ways to get more email subscribers.

[video_player type=”embed” width=”570″ height=”321″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]PHNjcmlwdCBjaGFyc2V0PSJJU08tODg1OS0xIiBzcmM9Ii8vZmFzdC53aXN0aWEuY29tL2Fzc2V0cy9leHRlcm5hbC9FLXYxLmpzIiBhc3luYz0iIj48L3NjcmlwdD48ZGl2IGNsYXNzPSJ3aXN0aWFfZW1iZWQgd2lzdGlhX2FzeW5jX295NTFhaTE4Mm8iIHN0eWxlPSJoZWlnaHQ6MzIxcHg7d2lkdGg6NTcwcHgiPiZuYnNwOzwvZGl2Pg==[/video_player]

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3 Simple Tips On How To Get More Email Subscribers

1. Use the Facebook call-to-action button.

Facebook is still the place to be for promoting your business.

The Facebook call-to-action button is very simple to set up and can be a super effective way to .

The image below shows the header for my Facebook page. The Learn More button is the call-to-action button.

You can use several different button types. For email list promotion I Learn More and Sign Up.

Use a give-away to provide value in exchange for the subscription.

how to get more email subscribers with FB

2. Add a P.S. line to your blog and emails.

A P.S. line is almost irresistable.

We have to know… what else?

It grabs our attention and won’t let go until we see… what else?

I have had some good results from the P.S. line and a lot of very successful marketers are too.

Try putting a link to some sort of lead magnet to entice readers to become subscribers.

If your lead magnet is closely related to your article content you will see even better results.

3. Write a guest article for another blog or website in your industry.

Everyone wants more content for their site.

We hear all the time that “content is king”.

But we need to clarify.

Consistent content is king!

You have to be consistent with content to build and keep a following and so do others.

Collaboration is a great way to increase your reach.

Many bloggers are happy to have good, fresh content for their site.

In exchange they will likely let you have a byline with a link to your site or lead magnet.

All it takes is a little hustle to find the right sites and the right contacts. to build relationships.

While email may be slipping a bit as a marketing strategy it is still one of the most powerful methods to make sales.

Always work to build your list and treat it like gold.

I hope you found some value with these tips on how to get more email subscribers.

If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark

Call Any Time: 262-378-3192

Skype: sbstark

Add me on Snapchat! Username: stvstark

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