
The Workflowy app is an excellent tool for organizing your content creation.

There are some programs and apps that just speak the same language as you.

For me, Workflowy is definitely one of those apps.

It’s simple, straight forward design make it easy to organize your thoughts and be more productive.

In today’s video I give you a quick look at why Workflowy is my new favorite productivity app.

Click here to try the Workflowy app for FREE.

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Features of the Workflowy App

  • Easily create items.
  • Zooming allows you to drill down into the outlines.
  • Expand and collapse items.
  • Duplicate items.
  • Import and export items.
  • Tagging items.
  • Starring favorite items.

How to Use the Workflowy App

1. Create lists

In some form or another, we all work from lists.

We list our goals.

We list our ideas.

We list our projects.

We list nearly everything.

The Workflowy app is great for creation lists and fleshing out those lists with sub-items.

2. Brainstorming

Like creating lists, it’s easy to do brainstorming with the Workflowy app.

The ability to create a topic and then brainstorm ideas using items and sub-items is killer.

It just seems to mesh with the way your brain works.

3. Outlining projects and articles

This is my favorite use for this app.

When I right down lists for my projects they can be daunting to look at.

With this app, creating outlines and not just lists helps with the flow of projects and articles.

4. Journaling

You can use the Workflowy app to keep a daily journal.

Journaling is a great way to stoke your creativity.

With the tags within the app you can connect and find thoughts for later use.

5. Take notes

Many of us instinctually take notes in outline form.

Workflowy is perfect for note-taking.

Use it on any device and have your notes available wherever you work.

Try the Workflowy app for FREE and get extra monthly items using this link.

I hope you found some value learning the Workflowy app.

If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark
Call Any Time: 262-378-3192
Skype: sbstark
Follow me on Twitter and Snapchat: @stvstark

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