
There are many ways to learn and one of my favorites is reading books.

I was never a big reader growing up, but over the past 20 years I’ve become an avid reader. Sometimes I read 2 or 3 books at once.

One habit I have stuck to for quite a few years now is to read at least 15 minutes each day. No matter what I’ve got going on, I make time to read pretty much every day.

Now, some of you may be saying, I really don’t like to read. Or, I just cannot make time to read on a daily basis.

That’s ok!

Most books that are worth reading are available in an audio format. You can listen in the car, while you’re working out, or maybe while you’re mowing the lawn.

The point is, there’s a way.

So what I wanted to do in this post is share my top 5 books that I recommend to clients and other entrepreneurs or business owners.

Here we go…

atomic habits - entrepreneur

We all want to eliminate our bad habits and replace them with good ones. But, so many of us have a very difficult time changing our habits.

Clear’s book is extremely helpful in giving you a system to changing your habits. He goes over how to break bad habits and create new, everyday behaviors to improve your life.

DOTCOM Secrets

Russell Brunson is the king of funnels. If you want to have success online then you need to understand how a funnel works and how you can apply it to your business.

Russell is a great communicator. He makes this book easy to read and gives you the fundamentals you need to get started selling online. Brunson has 2 follow up books that will take you further down the rabbit whole of online marketing, Traffic Secrets and Expert Secrets. All 3 are worth a read if you are serious about having an online business.

pumpkin plan small business

In The Pumpkin Plan, Michalowicz shares his concept of growing a business the same way a pumpkin farmer grows the massive 1000 lb pumpkins. You plant the right seeds, weed out the losers and nurture the winners.

This book really makes you think about what kind of customers you have and who you really want to work with. Once you start eliminated the dead weight from your business, you’ll see a drastic improvements on your efficiency and energy.

There are a bunch of great stories of businesses that have done this exact thing. It’s also a fun read.

launch book entrepreneurs

Building a product is fun and to be honest, it’s the easy part of owning a business. The hard part is selling the product once it’s ready.

In Launch, Jeff Walker take you through his formula for creating a successful online product launch. He provides real-world examples and step-by-step instructions to putting together your first product launch. If you want to launch a product online then this is a must have book.

the slight edge entrepreneurs

Do the thing and you shall have the power. The Slight Edge is always the first book I recommend to new entrepreneurs. It’s a book I’ve shared with many of my friends.

This book provides a way of thinking that is simple but so incredibly effective. All the small decisions you make every day are leading either in a positive or negative direction. Those decisions benefit you or they don’t.

Either way, when you add them all up, they have a huge impact on your life. When you start realizing that all those little decisions matter, you can change your life. I highly recommend this book. After you read it, be sure to share it.

To be a successful entrepreneur and business owner, you need to always be learning. Once you stop learning, you stop growing. If your business doesn’t continue to grow it will wither and die.

Keep learning and keep growing.

Knowledge has to be improved, challenged and increased constantly, or it vanishes. - Peter Drucker Share on X

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To Your Success!

Steve Stark
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