
The WordPress Mobile App is a great way to manage your website on the go.

Think about how people are doing business today…

How many people do you know that don’t have a smartphone?

I’m not sure cellphone companies are producing anything but smartphones these days.

Many people use their mobile device as their only computer.

I never thought I would be able to manage a business with something that fits in my pocket.

The WordPress Mobile App allow me to do just that.

In today’s video I do a demo of the WordPress Mobile App and show you all the cool features for managing your WordPress site.

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WordPress Mobile App Review

There are 3 things that make the WordPress Mobile App a must have tool for your business.

1. Make Corrections on the fly.

Have you ever published a blog post and then have someone let you know of a typo about 5 minutes after you leave the house?

I have.

That’s what’s great about the WordPress Mobile App.

It doesn’t matter where I’m at, if my phone has a signal I can make a correction very quickly.

2. Respond to comments quickly.

Keeping up with comments can be a pain sometimes but that engagement is what grows your following.

Having the ability to respond to comments when I have a free minute is awesome.

I find myself in great discussions because I am able to respond so quickly to comments.

3. Update your plugins without your computer.

Keeping your site up-to-date is VERY important for your sites security.

Plugins or themes that are not kept up-to-date are the biggest reason WordPress sites get hacked.

The WordPress mobile app allows you to check your updates just like the computer version.

You can also do updates from the app.

Just be careful updating themes because they can occasionally have a big impact on the look and functionality of your site.

Companion Apps for the WordPress Mobile App


WordPress Mobile App - picsart screnn

Images are an essential part of any WordPress website.

Editing those images within WordPress is not ideal.

The Picsart app has extensive editing tools that allow you to optimize your images and get them looking great for your site.


WordPress Mobile App - evernote screen

Hands down my favorite app and program for my computers.

This is how I organize EVERYTHING for my websites and content.

Get my full review of Evernote HERE.

Google Photos

WordPress Mobile App - google images screen

Again, images are very important to your site.

Google photos allows you to store photos from any of your devices in one place.

Take a photo on your webcam, camera, or anything else and store them here.

Then you can access these photos from your mobile device to edit for your WordPress site.

I hope you found some value with today’s post and the WordPress Mobile App review. If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark

Call Any Time: 262-378-3192

Skype: sbstark

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