Looking for the Best Free Stock Photo Sites to use for your business.

Why is getting FREE stock photos for your website or social media important?

Visual content is an essential component to having success marketing a business or brand online.

On social media, images and videos make up the majority of posts today.

Images get you more engagement for your business.

Images used to be a costly part of business online if you wanted to follow copyright laws and do things the right way.

No need to pay for images anymore.

In today’s video I show you the best free stock photo sites for your business.

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All of the following sites have images under the Creative Commons Zero license.

What this means is that you can copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free, including commercial purposes, without asking permission from or providing attribution to the photographer or the website.

These are “do whatever you want” photos.

This is great for websites, blogs and social media and essential for a business owner online.

Best Free Stock Photo Sites

best free stock photo sites - unsplash

#1 Unsplash.com

Unsplash.com provides high definition photos and add 10 new photos to their site every 10 days.

You can search the images by collection, see what’s new or check out what’s being featured on Unsplash.

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best free stock photo sites - pexels

#2 Pexels.com

Pexels.com adds 10 new high-quality image every day.

At the time of this article they have over 4,500 free stock photos.

You can search all of their photos, see their most popular images or check out the most popular searches.

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best free stock photo sites - pixabay

#3 Pixabay.com

Pixabay.com has become my new favorite spot for visual content.

They have images, illustrations and videos.

Pixabay.com also has a more powerful search tool for their content than most other sites.

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best free stock photo sites negativespace

#4 Negativespace.co

This is another cool site that sees to have a good amount of unique technology images.

Negativespace.co also has a nice filter tool allowing you to sort by color.

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best free stock photo sites stocksnap


This is very cool site that allows you to sort photos by date, number of views, number of downloads and number of favorites.

Stocksnap.io is unique with its tracking of favorites and downloads allowing you to see what images are most popular.

They also have an option to have images email to your inbox.

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Finding images to use for your business is just part of using visual content.

What you do to those photos can set you apart from the competition.

Basic editing to add text or your brand to photos will make your content pop online.

Canva.com is a terrific, FREE resource for editing images.

Here’s a tutorial from a previous post: Social Media Images Made Easy

I hope you found some value with today’s post and my best free stock photo sites. If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark

Call Any Time: 262-378-3192

Skype: sbstark

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