
What does your business website say about you and your company?

We all know that first impressions make all the difference.

That is certainly the case with your website.

If your website sucks, you are losing customers.

Go to your website and ask yourself, based on only what you see on that website, and ask yourself this question…

“Would you do business with you?”

If the answer is not a resounding YES, it’s time to make a change.

In today’s post, I cover the 3 areas you need to focus on to have an effective business website.

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3 Things That Create an Effective Business Website


In 2016, your website must be mobile optimized.

65% of digital media time is coming from mobile devices. (from MarketingLand.com)

Is the layout visually appealing and does it make sense?

Limit the flashing, blinking, busy stuff. Make it easy for your visitors to find your stuff.

If you give them too many options they won’t click on anything.

Be sure your site is very easy to navigate.

Again, limit the options in the menu.

Don’t have 5 drop-down lists with 10 choices each.

This gets confusing and will drive people away from your site.


Content is king. Here are a few must haves for your business website.

Why is your business unique?

Let the viewers know how you are different from all your competitors.

Why should they do business with you instead of someone else.

What do you have to offer?

Do you have products? A service?

Why are people there visiting your site?

Make very clear what it is you can do for your visitors.

Show visitors your personality.

Is your business website a fun, energetic place to be?

Is it a laid back environment or a more serious place to be?

The mood of your site should match the mood of your business.

You can show this through visuals or the tone of your content.

Have great visuals.

Video and images are essential for your business website.

Today, creating high quality, professional images is easy.

Check out this tutorial from a previous post on creating images…

Social Media Images Made Easy

Even more important than images… is video.

According to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook users are viewing 100 million hours of video every day.


Snapchat gets 10 billion video views every day.

That’s BILLION with a “B”!

If you’re not using video it’s time to get off the fence on this one. Get it going now.

Third-party validation.

Nothing sells better than your satisfied customers.

Testimonials are HUGE.

Find your most raving fans and hit them up for a testimonial about your product or service.

Have the ability for your visitors to give feedback.

You want as much engagement as possible with your visitor.

Engagement is how you will get people to like, know and trust you and that’s when they become a customer.

Calls to action.

What do you want your visitors to do?

You need to tell them what you want them to do.

Don’t assume that someone knows what to do on you website.

If you want them to sign up for your mailing list then tell them to subscribe and be very specific about how they do that.

Your call to action should be strong and blatantly obvious.

Keep it Current

Is your site up-to-date?

If your last post is from 2012 you need to get current right now. People aren’t interested in what was happening 5 years ago.

If the content on your site is old and stale, why would they want to be there?

Consider writing a post or creating some form of content on a weekly basis.

This is going to help you in the search engines and keep people coming back to your site for new content.

You don’t have to be an expert to create a great website

I started building websites in 2008 and I was terrible.

Building sites from scratch using html and php was time-consuming and required constant updating and attention.

Then I discovered WordPress and life became immeasurably easier.

Creating professional, visually appealing sites only required clicking the right buttons.

While my knowledge of html and php has come in very handy, it’s not a necessity with today’s professional and highly customizable WordPress themes.

What should you do next?

Let someone help you get your WordPress site built and running smoothly.

Then learn how to maintain it yourself.

Small and independent business owners no longer need to pay excessive fees for a website and website management.

If you are willing and have the time to learn basic WordPress management you can save thousands of dollars a year.

Assess your current website.

Would you do business with you based on what you see?

If not, get busy creating the online experience your customers are looking for.

Assess your current website.

Tell me about your website. Comment on these questions below…

How does your website compare to the standards discussed in this post?

How does your website compare to the standards discussed in this post?

What is the one thing you wish your website had?

Do you want to learn how to manage your website yourself?

I hope you found some value with these business website tips.

If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark
Call Any Time: 262-378-3192
Skype: sbstark
Add me on Snapchat! Username: stvstark

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