
In what ways does a website help a business?

We live in a digital world.

If you want to learn anything, you can just pick up your phone and search for it.

Regardless of what business you are in, you have a competitor who is online with a professional website.

Now I do meet business owners who have so much work they can’t keep up even without a website.

That would be an awesome problem to have, right?

The reality is that leads dry up.

Competition increases and people need to know why they should work with you.

We need a way to reach new, potential customers.

Your website is the perfect place to do this.

In today’s video I discuss several ways a website can help grow your business.

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[hyperlink style=”1″ href=”http%3A%2F%2Fstarknakedmarketing.com%2Fweb-development%2F” font_size=”24″ font_color=”%23e14a0f” align=”center”]Click HERE to Request a FREE Website Consultation[/hyperlink]

In What Ways Does a Website Help a Business?

1. Showcase your product or service.

Everyone researches purchases online.

You need to give your potential customers information that will make them want to buy from you.

Think about the purchases you make.

When is the last time you made a major purchase without researching it online.

Be an authority in your niche and people will want to buy from you and use your services.

2. Lead generation.

It is crazy-easy to capture names and emails on a website today.

If you can provide just a small amount of value to your website visitors they will hand over their information.

Create a PDF, e-book or short video that helps the visitor solve a problem and you won’t be able to keep up with the opt-ins.

If you put value into the marketplace then value will come back to you.

If you keep a death-grip on your knowledge and refuse to share at lease portions of your expertise for free, you are missing out on potential leads.

I can assure you that your competition won’t hold it all back.

Don’t give away the farm, but don’t expect payment for every piece of advice and guidance you provide online.

3. Allow customers to engage with you.

Engagement is the biggest key to success online.

Customers don’t want to just buy products from companies because they are the cheapest.

They want to connect with the company they are buying from.

How does a website help a business create engagement?

Buying has become an experience.

Businesses who create a connection with their customers will win.

If they create a rabid community around their company they will dominate.

Your website should be the central hub of your business online.

All of your social media and marketing efforts should lead to your website.

On your website, you can provide ways for your community to engage with you and your business.

Engage and win.

4. Contact information.

Make it easy for your customers and potential customers to contact you.

You can very easily create a contact form that emails you directly when someone on your site completes the form.

Some companies are getting creative and providing support directly through social media.

Either way, you need to be accessible to your customers and potential customers.

Customers may forget what you said but they'll never forget how you made them feel. #smallbusiness Share on X

So…. does a website help a business?

The answer is a resounding YES.

It’s tough to business in 2016 without a website.

If you need help getting a website up and running, or help upgrading your current site, please visit our Website Services page to see the options we offer for small and independent business owners.

I hope you found value with today’s post.

If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark
Call Any Time: 262-378-3192
Skype: sbstark
Add me on Snapchat! Username: stvstark

[hyperlink style=”1″ href=”http%3A%2F%2Fsbstark.bizbuildermastery.net%2F” rel="nofollow" new_window=”Y” font_size=”20″ font_style=”bold” align=”left”]PS: If you are looking to Generate More Leads and Start Branding YOUR BUSINESS Online consider taking the MLSP 10-Day Test Drive. [/hyperlink]