
What is a responsive theme and why do you need one for your website?

A responsive theme smoothly adjusts the layout of a website for multiple types of devices.

This type of theme changes the screen resolution to optimally fit desktops, tablet and smartphones to improve user experience.

A responsive theme is now a must have for website owners.

An estimated 65% of web traffic is now coming from mobile devices.

If your site is not mobile optimized with the proper theme you will lose traffic… and business.

In today’s video I go over a few things that will help you choose the right responsive theme.

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Choosing a Responsive Theme

Who’s the developer of the theme?

Find a theme from a trusted and experienced developer.

This is especially important to ensure that your site stays functional and secure.

Themes need to be updated with changes in the WordPress core and plugin changes.

If you are not able to update your theme you run the risk of being hacked or having a broken site.

Make sure you know the track record of the developer.

How does the responsive theme handle resolutions?

What does their theme look like on different devices?

Nearly all quality themes for WordPress today are responsive.responsive theme resolutions

That doesn’t mean however that you will like the way it resizes the content.

Most themes will give you examples of the different screen resolutions.

There are several tools that you can use to check resolutions for your site.

My favorite is Responsivetest.net.

Another is Screenfly.

How does the theme deal with menus?

While your menu may look like this on a desktop or laptop…

responsive theme menu

This will often not work on a tablet and definitely not on a smartphone.

There are generally two options for menus for mobile in a responsive theme.

1. The drop down menu.

responsive theme menu 1

2. The 3-line menu.

responsive theme menu 2

Both of these menus work fine.

It’s your preference.

I am starting to see a trend toward the 3 line menu in most responsive themes.

Where does the responsive theme place the sidebar items?

You need to be aware of what your theme is doing with sidebar items and widgets.

These items are generally resized and placed at the bottom of the scrollable page.

In some cases, however, these items may be hidden by the theme.

While that may be okay for your website, just be aware of how those items are handled.

I hope you found value learning how to choose a responsive theme.

If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark
Call Any Time: 262-378-3192
Skype: sbstark
Add me on Snapchat! Username: stvstark

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