
Small business content marketing can get a bit confusing.

As a small business owner you may feel like you are not capable of producing content for the internet.

And if you do… who will actually be interested in what you have to say?

If you own your own business then you very likely have an expertise.

You wouldn’t have a business if you didn’t.There are two ways to look at how you use your knowledge or expertise.

You can keep it all to yourself. You don’t share any of the expertise you have unless someone pays you for it.

You choose to share a portion of that expertise for free to build to build your business.

Except in extremely rare cases, option number 2 is always going to be more profitable.

Providing value to the marketplace always brings value back you.

That principle is what is driving business to be successful online.

In today’s video I give you 5 small business content marketing strategies that will help you start sharing your expertise to grow your business online.

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Small Business Content Marketing Strategies

1. Blogging/Website

Whether you are a writer or not, a branded blog or website should be the central hub of you business online.

This is where you can share your expertise using articles, images, video, or audio content.

Your site is also the spot to house your story, your offers and also where you build your email list.

People can learn about you 24/7 at their convenience.

From your blog you can share content to all the social media platforms.

If you would like to learn how to get started blogging here are some simple first steps…

How Do I Start A Blog?

2. Images

Visual content is king these days on the internet.

People used to read… not so much anymore.

If they do want to read an article then you need imagery to catch their attention.

People are impatient and you have to make sure you are presenting your content so it peaks interest.

Images help peak interest.

With social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and now Instagram, images are becoming a powerful marketing tool.

For a tutorial on how you can use a FREE service to create stunning images check out this previous post:

Social Media Images Made Easy

3. Video

Check your Facebook account.

What do you see about every other post?

A video, right?

Video has rapidly become the most effective method of marketing any business online.

That’s because almost everyone now has access to an HD video camera right in their phone.

With low cost video editing software, any business owner can create high quality videos to market their products or services.

Again, visual content has become the dominant marketing tool online.

You can start creating videos right now and publishing them to your website or social media.

If you are not using video you are missing out on an incredibly powerful way to grow your business.

See how you can make highly effective sales video with a simple 4-part formula:

Video Marketing Tips: Simple 4-Part Video Formula

4. Podcasting

In the past year I would say I learned more interesting business tips from podcasts than any other medium.

With $99 Blue Yeti microphone you can create professional audio for a podcast.

This is a great option for those who are camera shy.

I listen to podcast every day in my car.

Why not have others learn about you, your business and your products on their way to and from work?

If you are interested in podcasting start with John Lee Dumas’ Free Podcasting Course

5. Email

The money is in the list!

If you are an online business owner then your email list is your most valuable asset.

Websites and social media have become the hottest small business content marketing strategies.

However, when you are talking sales, business gets done with email.

People rarely, if ever, buy from a Facebook post or an Tweet.

When your followers opt in to your mailing list they get to know, like and trust you.

THEN… they buy from you.

With a mailing list you should be providing value like every other content strategy.

Your emails should not be constant sales pitches.

Provide value 10 times, present a related offer 1 time.

That 10:1 ratio will keep people on your list and make your sales emails way more effective.

I hope you found some value with today’s post and the these 5 small business content marketing strategies. If you did please like, comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark

Call Any Time: 262-378-3192

Skype: sbstark

[hyperlink style=”1″ href=”http%3A%2F%2Fsbstark.bizbuildermastery.net%2F” rel="nofollow" new_window=”Y” font_size=”20″ font_style=”bold” align=”left”]PS: If you are looking to Generate More Leads and Start Branding YOUR BUSINESS Online consider taking the MLSP 10-Day Test Drive. [/hyperlink]