Why is internet safety important for your business?

Malicious hackers are trolling the internet for unsecured brands as we speak.

You could lose followers, clients and money if you aren’t diligent about your safety and security online.

Your brand needs to be secured online.

In today’s video I will give you a few tips to help improve your online security.

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Why is Internet Safety Important?

What are the risks of using the internet?

1. Unauthorized access to banking and financial accounts.

Over 81% of Americans have banked online in the past 12 months.

This number has grown immensely over the last couple of years.

Our data is out there and the biggest security risk to online banking is us.

Our lack of personal security is generally what leads to problems.

2. Identity theft.

What if you were not you anymore.

Today we have become reliant on credit cards and online banking.

When our identity is stolen it cripples us.

What makes identity theft important is when your identity is stolen it can take months or even years to recover.

Spend the tie and money now to protect yourself.

3. Damage to brand or professional reputation.

When a business gets hacked the damage can be irreversible.

Cyber attacks and social media hacks don’t just disrupt a business.

These attacks can ruin the reputation of a business.

If your clients can’t trust that you are keeping their information safe they won’t do business with you.

Take these threats seriously and be proactive instead of reactive.

What Can You Do To Improve Your Internet Safety?

Here are 5 steps to improve your internet security.

1. Have a password manager.

With everything you access online today, remembering passwords is a pain.

Most people go with one password or a variation of the same password.

That makes it easy to remember.

It also makes it easy for hackers to break into your accounts.

Use a password manager, increase the strength of your passwords and stop trying to remember them.

The program does all the remembering for you.

The password manager that I recommend is 1Password.

Very easy to use and very secure.

2. No account sharing.

Be sure to create separate accounts for each service or social platform you use.

DO NOT use the Facebook or Google login for other sites.

Using 1 account to login to multiple sites is not secure.

3. Use secure messaging to share information.

If you have a business than sometimes you just have to share sensitive information.

However, you need to be very careful when you share information remotely.

Use encrypted services like iMessage, What’s App and Hushmail.

4. Keep up to date.

Computer updates can be frustrating.

They do however serve a purpose other than shiny new windows and themes.

Updates often fix security issues.

You need to stay on top of your updates so these security bugs are eliminated.

If you are a blogger and using WordPress, ALWAYS keep your theme and plugins up to date.

These are popular spots for hackers to attack.

5. Be smart when browsing.

Stay away from Internet Explorer and USE the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari.

Don’t use the save password function in your browsers. That’s what your password manager is for.

Be sure to use secure versions of sites with the https:// when logging in to your accounts.

For more internet safety information check out the Cyber Security Checklist from Darren Natoni.

I hope I have answered the question, “Why Is Internet Safety Important?”. If you found value please like, comment and share.

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To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark

Call Any Time: 262-378-3192

Skype: sbstark

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