
People love being told a story.

We wake up each day and look for the next interesting story. Sometimes it’s in a book, or we watch it in a movie or, more commonly today, we view stories online in websites and social media.

However, as a marketer, it can be difficult to craft interesting stories. You aren’t Shakespeare after all.

Therefore, you need a writing template and a process that can help you create stories that will work for your business.

In today’s video I discuss a simple and effective writing template to make your posts more interesting.

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A blog is such a great tool for a business.

It allows you to tell the story or stories of your business.

Stories are important for a blog tto be successful.

Really… they are important for a business to be successful.

For a customer to buy your products or service they have to first hear about your business.

Whether that comes from an advertisement or word of mouth, it comes in the form of a story.

Your friend tells you a story about what great service and food they got at a restaurant.

So maybe that’s the place you chose to take your spouse for your anniversary.

You read a review on Amazon about a TV and how great the picture even in a bright room.

That person’s shared experience helps you decide to order that same TV.

As a marketer you have to craft stories to build our businesses.

Sometimes that is tough if we don’t have a lot of experience writing.

I recently got a chance to listen to Park Howel speak about storytelling and writing for business.

He explained a template for writing compelling content for you business.

It’s called the And, But, and Therefore method. This is a great template to use when writing content for your business.

Writing Template: And, But and Therefore (ABT)

Part 1: And

The first part of this writing template is the set up.

Let’s look at how I started this post.

“People love being told a story. We wake up each day and look for the next interesting story. Sometimes it’s in a book, or we watch it in a movie or, more commonly today, we view stories online in websites and social media.”

I start out the post by saying we love stories and we are always looking for the next interesting one.

Then I move into part 2 of the writing template.

Part 2: But

This is where we bring in doubt or present our problem or pain.

“However, as a marketer, it can be difficult to craft interesting stories. You aren’t Shakespeare after all.”

I use however instead of but. But it’s the same concept.

You want to describe your readers pain. Relate to their problem.

Then on to part 3 of the writing template.

Part 3: Therefore

This is where we give the solution.

“Therefore, you need a writing template and a process that can help you create stories that will work for your business.”

You don’t have to use the actual words “And, But and Therefore”.

Think of them as guidelines to help you along with your story.

Check out this useful writing app called Connection Storymaker.

This can be applied to just about any post you can think of.

The key is to describe the pain and provide the solution.

We all want solutions and if you can relate that solution with a story you are on your way to building a following and making sales.

I hope you found some value with this writing template for your blog.

If you did please like comment and share.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark
Call Any Time: 262-378-3192
Skype: sbstark
Add me on Snapchat! Username: stvstark

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Writing Template ABT