The Blog
Stay up-to-date with the latest WordPress Tips, Social Media Management and Online Marketing Strategies.
How to Stay Safe from Facebook Phishing Scams
Facebook phishing attacks are getting crazy. These hackers continue to create more and more creative tricks to get page owners to hand over their login information and even their financial information. I'm an admin for several dozen of my clients' Facebook pages. I...
6 Steps To Create Your First Online Product
Building a business around an online product is easier than ever. When I talk to most of my clients I can clearly see the passion and expertise that they have for their industry or niche. That's what drives them to want to create a product that they can share with...
7 Steps To Build An Effective Small Business Content Strategy
Having an effective content strategy is so important for small businesses looking to establish and grow their online presence. In this blog post, we will explore the key steps involved in creating a winning content strategy that drives results. We'll look at defining...
Why Your Business Needs a Blog
Your website should no longer be just a place to advertise your products and services. Today, more than ever, your website needs to be an interactive platform that connects with your customers and provides them with valuable information. With the ever-changing...
How To Leverage AI for Small Business Marketing
As a small business owner, it is important to stand out in a crowded market. Doing so will help to attract new customers. There are many ways to achieve this goal. One of the most exciting developments in the last year has been the rise of artificial intelligence (AI)...
10 Ways to Improve Your Website Load Times
Patience. Something very few people have these days. That's definitely the case when looking for information online. Nothing is more frustrating that seeing that spinning disc when your waiting for a website to load. Website loading time is the amount of time it takes...
How To Get Started With Marketing Automation
What the heck is marketing automation? You may have heard this term as small business owners but what does it mean and how will it help your business? Marketing automation refers to the use of software to automate marketing tasks and processes. Many small business...
10 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Email List
You may have heard "The Money is in the List!" Email marketing can be a powerful tool for any business and it is still the lifeblood of every online business. Your email list will help drive sales and keep people informed about your products or services. However, it's...
5 Things You Need To Know About AI Writing Assistants
"Come with me if you want to live." Kyle Reese told us it was coming and that we should run from AI if we wanted to survive. Today, if we don't embrace AI our marketing may not survive. AI is here to stay. Marketers that ignore it, will do so at their own peril. As...
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