
Think you need high tech equipment for your Creating Videos?

What if you could use use your smartphone to create professional marketing videos?

Well… you can!

With HD quality cameras in nearly every phone on the market, you don’t need expensive equipment for creating videos.

4 Tips For Creating Videos With Your Phone

1. Landscape NOT Portrait.

Stay away from vertical videos.

When creating online videos, think about what the playback will look like on your desktop, laptop or tablet.

Landscape videos are just easier on the eyes.

2. Keep the camera still.

Shaky videos are annoying.

If you are doing more than 30-40 seconds it is very difficult to hold your phone still when creating video clips.

Set the phone down or use a small tripod.

Here’s a link to my favorite mini tripod.

3. Don’t cover your microphone.

The sound quality is critical when creating videos.

One mistake that is easy to make is covering up your microphone.

If you use a tripod or prop your camera up this isn’t an issue.

But if you are holding your camera be sure to hold the end without the microphone.

4. Upload and Delete.

One issue with capturing video with your phone is storage space.

Consider uploading your videos to your computer or an external hard drive for safe keeping.

Then delete the raw video from your phone so you don’t eat up all the storage space on your phone.

When you’re creating videos for marketing then you should consider doing some editing.

While there are some nice apps out there for editing video they are still not as powerful as software you can get for your computer.

Added text or other elements will really make your videos more professional.

Check out this previous post on my favorite video editing software for Mac.

Want to learn all the of tips, tricks and tools for video marketing that I have learned over the past few years.

Download the FREE Video Marketer’s Bare Essentials Guide.

I hope you found value with these 4 Tips For Creating Videos With Your Phone.  If you did please like, comment and share.

Looking for more information about how you can generate more leads for your business? Enter you name and email address in the form below.

You will get access to a FREE video that will show you how you can start generating more leads and making more sales for your business.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Call Any Time: 262-378-3192

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Think you need high tech equipment for your Creating Videos?

What if you could use use your smartphone to create professional marketing videos?

Well… you can!

With HD quality cameras in nearly every phone on the market, you don’t need expensive equipment for creating videos.

In today’s video I give you 4 tips for creating videos using your phone.

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[hyperlink style=”1″ href=”http%3A%2F%2Fsbstark.bizbuildermastery.net%2F” font_size=”26″ font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ef640b” align=”center”]FREE COACHING: Sign up for the 10 Day MLSP Trial Here & Receive A Free Month of Coaching and a Web Assessment[/hyperlink]

4 Tips For Creating Videos With Your Phone

1. Landscape NOT Portrait.

Stay away from vertical videos.

When creating online videos, think about what the playback will look like on your desktop, laptop or tablet.

Landscape videos are just easier on the eyes.

2. Keep the camera still.

Shaky videos are annoying.

If you are doing more than 30-40 seconds it is very difficult to hold your phone still when creating video clips.

Set the phone down or use a small tripod.

Here’s a link to my favorite mini tripod.

3. Don’t cover your microphone.

The sound quality is critical when creating videos.

One mistake that is easy to make is covering up your microphone.

If you use a tripod or prop your camera up this isn’t an issue.

But if you are holding your camera be sure to hold the end without the microphone.

4. Upload and Delete.

One issue with capturing video with your phone is storage space.

Consider uploading your videos to your computer or an external hard drive for safe keeping.

Then delete the raw video from your phone so you don’t eat up all the storage space on your phone.

When you’re creating videos for marketing then you should consider doing some editing.

While there are some nice apps out there for editing video they are still not as powerful as software you can get for your computer.

Added text or other elements will really make your videos more professional.

Check out this previous post on my favorite video editing software for Mac.

Want to learn all the of tips, tricks and tools for video marketing that I have learned over the past few years.

Download the FREE Video Marketer’s Bare Essentials Guide.

I hope you found value with these 4 Tips For Creating Videos With Your Phone.  If you did please like, comment and share.

Looking for more information about how you can generate more leads for your business? Enter you name and email address in the form below.

You will get access to a FREE video that will show you how you can start generating more leads and making more sales for your business.

To Your Success!

Steve Stark