
How do I start a blog?

This is a great question because I believe anyone who wants to build a brand or sell products online should create a blog.

However, many people are intimidated by the idea of setting up a blog.

YOU CAN create a blog and not feel overwhelmed.

In today’s video I answer the question “How do I start a blog?” I also discuss some options for starting a blog and how you can get set up TODAY!

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How Do I Start a Blog For FREE?

A free blog is a great way to get started.

The platform I recommend is WordPress.com.

Blogspot.com and Tumblr.com are also good choices.

There are a couple things you should know If you are a marketer looking to start blogging.

1. You cannot have a custom domain name.

With the 3 options above your domain names would look something like this…




Not the best option from a marketing standpoint.

2. Limits for customization and monetization.

With a free blog service you do not have access to all the templates with WordPress.com.

Also, the customization is limited in all of the free options.

You will be limited to the amount of images and videos that you can upload.

Media is critical to drawing interest within your blog posts.

The other question I hear a lot is, “How do I start a blog AND make money?”

While you can use ads on these platforms there are limits to the ways you can monetize your blog.

You may find yourself outgrowing these options quickly if you want the blog to be a revenue stream.

3. You don’t own your blog.

This is a biggie.

Once you upload or write content to one of the free blog services you no longer have complete control over that content.

If, for any reason, you violate the platforms terms they can shut you site down.

That is NOT good for business.

How Do I Start a Blog and Host My Own Domain?

If you are serious about marketing online then this is definitely the best option.

For all the reasons above, a self-hosted domain makes more sense.

Custom domain (and email addresses in most cases),

No limits on customization or monetization.

You own the blog.

These are all BIG reasons to consider hosting your own domain.

Getting started is really easy.

1. Buy your domain.

Tbis is your brand so make sure you think this through.

Rebranding is not fun.

2. Set up a hosting account.

Many times a domain is included with a new hosting account.

Check this out first and it will save you a few bucks.

I recommend Lunarpages.com and Bluehost.com

3. Install WordPress.

Most hosting companies will make WordPress installations very simple.

4. Choose a theme.

This is the BIG reason to install WordPress.

They have thousands of free themes to choose from and some killer paid themes.

It’s also very user friendly.

5. Start creating ground-breaking, mesmerizing content on a consistent basis.

Content is king!

Start creating and you will build your brand online.

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Don’t want to do it yourself?

Contact me at steve@StarkNakedMarketing.com for a quote on a hosting package and customized WordPress installation.


Not sure why you should create a blog? Check out this post…

Should I Start A Blog?

I hope this answers your question, “How Do I Start a Blog?”. If you found value please like, comment and share.

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To Your Success!

Steve Stark

Steve Stark

Call Any Time: 262-378-3192

Skype: sbstark

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